
cosmetic surgery 美容手術。


We summarise the evidence for and against hyaluronic acid and provide a resume of the current technologies available in fields such as skin regeneration and wound healing , in addition to cosmetic surgery 我們概括了應用透明質酸正反兩方面的證據;并提供了除應用于整容外科之外,透明質酸用于皮膚再生和傷口愈合等其它領域的適應癥。

Confirming russians ' status among the world ' s biggest consumers of luxury goods , 48 percent of them , the highest percentage globally , said they would consider cosmetic surgery to maintain their looks 對世界上最大的奢侈品消費國之一俄羅斯的調查顯示, 48 %的俄羅斯消費者表示會考慮通過做整容手術來保持青春,這一比例為全世界最高。

Confirming russians status among the world s biggest consumers of luxury goods , 48 percent of them , the highest percentage globally , said they would consider cosmetic surgery to maintain their looks 對世界上最大的奢侈品消費國之一俄羅斯的調查顯示, 48 %的俄羅斯消費者表示會考慮通過做整容手術來保持青春,這一比例為全世界最高。

The spanish health ministry has given warning of the dangers of surgery for obesity . it is concerned that private cosmetic surgeries may employ staff unlicensed for such operations and lacking in post - operative skills 西班牙衛生部向人們發出警告說,除了手術自身存在的風險外,西班牙眾多的美容機構還存在著醫療衛生安全隱患。

Thanks to cosmetic surgery , we can now hold onto our beautyforlonger , professor shamban said , but she warned that as theartistsof this generation , surgeons must take their roleseriously 沙姆班教授說,多虧了整容手術, “現在我們可以讓美麗常駐” 。但她同時告誡整容專家,作為這一代的藝術家,整容師們必須認真對待自己的工作。

There ' s no doubt that cosmetic surgery can make you look and feel good , whether a facelift , breast augmentation or a tummy tuck , it can bring you closer to the image you have of yourself 決不用懷疑,美容手術可以讓我們感覺更好,不論是拉皮除皺、隆胸或者腹部整形,這些都會帶給我們自己想要的更接近完美的形象。

Angelina jolie is the gold standard of beauty among women seeking cosmetic surgery and that ' s not about to change , a leading hollywood surgeon has told australian specialists 好萊塢一位著名外科醫生日前告訴澳大利亞的整形專家,安吉麗娜茱麗是那些想做整容手術的女性心目中的美人標準,而且這一標準不會改變。

Angelina jolie is the gold standard of beauty among women seeking cosmetic surgery and that ' s not about to change , a leading hollywood surgeon has told australian specialists 好萊塢一位著名外科醫生日前告訴澳大利亞的整形專家,安吉麗娜?茱麗是那些想做整容手術的女性心目中的美人標準,而且這一標準不會改變。

As reported by the daily mail on december 14 , 2006 , a 46 - year - old woman sarah burge , in cambridgeshire , became addicted to cosmetic surgery after her first nose operation in 1986 英國《每日郵報》去年12月14日報道,英國劍橋郡46歲的女子莎拉伯格,自從1986年第一次做鼻子整容手術后,竟對整容上了癮。

“ with an ever - ageing population and more emphasis on trying to look our best for longer , cosmetic surgery for those in their later years is likely to become more commonplace 隨著年齡的不斷增加和人們試圖永葆青春和美貌的欲望的增強,整形手術對那些已步入人生晚年的人來說很有可能變成一件平常事。 ”

One in five global consumers said they would consider having cosmetic surgery and russians are most receptive to the idea , a survey by market researcher acnielsen shows 市場調查機構尼爾森公司日前發布的一項調查結果顯示,從全球范圍來看,五分之一的消費者愿意整容,俄羅斯人最能接受整容的想法。

Cosmetic surgery is a risky business in spain . fifteen patients died during or after operations to tackle obesity in 2002 , the latest year for which complete figures are available 西班牙最新統計數據表明,在整形外科手術中,減肥手術的致死率已達到1至2 ,且術后伴有嚴重并發癥的幾率為10 。

“ appointments for procedures for parents ' day have increased by over 50 percent from five years ago , “ said lim ee - seok , the president of t a large cosmetic surgery facility in seoul 首爾一家大型手術美容機構主席利馬?埃蘇克說: “今年雙親節預定的手術量比5年前增加了百分之五十。 ”

South koreans traditionally used to say it with flowers or money , but now more are showing love and respect to their parents by giving mom and dad coupons for cosmetic surgery 而現在,越來越多的韓國人開始通過一種全新的方式來詮釋自己對父母的感情,那就是送他們美容手術的禮券。

Nearly half of russians surveyed said they would be prepared to have cosmetic surgery when they are older , followed by greeks and people in baltic countries 有接近一半的俄羅斯受訪者宣稱準備在年齡更大一些的時候去做整形手術,緊隨其后的分別是希臘人以及波羅的海沿岸國家的居民。

Nearly half of russians surveyed said they would be prepared to have cosmetic surgery when they are older , followed by greeks and people in baltic countries 有近一半接受調查的俄羅斯人表示他們愿意在自己年紀大的時候接受整容手術,次之是希臘人和巴爾干半島地區的居民。

Cosmetic surgery experts said last night that the angels appear to have had extraordinary amount of work done over the years - just to keep those calls for work coming in 整容外科專家昨晚指出:為了能夠保持她們的舞臺生涯,三位霹靂嬌娃這些年來應該做了不少整形手術。

A woman is undergoing a cosmetic surgery . is altering not just how people look but how they feel by changing perceptions of middle age , a study showed monday 本周一公布的一項調查顯示,整容手術不僅改變著人的容貌,而且還通過改變人們對中年的理解使人的心理發生變化。

Many parents pay for cosmetic surgery for their children as a graduation gift and it has become more common in recent years for children to return the favor 當孩子們畢業的時候,父母給錢讓他們作美容手術作為畢業禮物。近年來,越來越多的孩子們以此方式還情。